Verifying Climate & Biodiversity Impacts
for Sustainability Branding and Legal Compliance

Artificial Intelligence Supported Auditing of Environmental Impacts
Across your Full Value and Supply Chain

Sustainability Reporting is no longer a nice add on, it is now a legal requirement in the UK, Europe and Internationally. Total Life Cycle supports your hotel, restaurant and hospitality business achieve compliance with reporting requirements and avoid greenwashing fines to deliver better outcomes for the environment, mitigate your reputational risks and grow your profits

We achieve this by measuring, valuing and tackling the climate and biodiversity impacts of hotels, venues, guests, events and dining. We use Artificial Intelligence to assess across your full value and supply chain without you being overwhelmed by the extent of your raw procurement data.

Did you know that authentic sustainbility can achieve a 5-12% increase in revenue pricing?

Tourism provides 10% of World GDP (UNEP) And produces 8% of man made Climate Gases (Nature)
Tourism is described as the largest voluntary transfer of resources to the developing world (BBC & Guardian)
Takeaway food and beverage dominate Oceanic Plastic

Hotels and Restaurants have massive Impacts, so let's make them Better

GABI- Greenhouse Gas and Biodiversity Impact audit and AI services

GABI - Total Life Cycle auditing of your Climate and Biodiversity Impacts - including Scope 3 supply and value chains required by new EU Corporate Sustainbility Reporting Directives (CSRD 2023).
Planet Tip® - In addition we can show you how to give back to Nature and Tackle Climate Change - one Trip; one Hotel Room Night; one Event; one Diner; at a time.

TLC provides analytic and data driven auditing, with technology and AI support for Hospitality and Hotels, that quantitiatively verifies your climate and biodiversity impacts (needed for new EU directive compliance).
You no longer need to rely on subjective score questionnaires used by other accreditations. Isn't it time that you treated your sustainability with the same scientific and numerical rigor that you would treat your Profit and Loss statements!

Total Life Cycle (TLC) also introduces to hotels and hospitality, the Planet Tip®, a science based, price calculation of the environmental harms caused by the goods and services we buy and use. Knowing what we took out, means Guests and Diners know what they can give back.

We focus on High Value areas, such as:

  • Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas emissions, that comprise at least two thirds of businesses climate harming emissions (we also do the easy stuff like Scope 1 and 2)
  • Biodiversity issues, water and plastics, that can be far more harmful to the planet than GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions
  • Localising resources and increasing funding that regenerates the environment and empowers communities
         → Learn more about GABI

Get Total Life Cycle Verified
for Climate and Biodiversity EU CSRD and Greenwashing compliance

Measure to verify your hotel, restaurant or destinations impacts on

Climate, Biodiversity and Place


  • Green House Gases
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Methane
  • Nitrous Oxides
  • Sulphur Oxides
  • Particulates

Protecting and Restoring

  • Ecosystems
  • Oceans & Sea Life
  • Fresh Water
  • Land Protection
  • Plant Species
  • Animal Species
  • Areas of Special Productivity

Preserving and Supporting

  • Communities
  • History
  • Ancient Monuments
  • Religious Sites
  • Remedies and Health

Sustainability is such an important outcome, I am , therefore, ready to support TLC , as they strive to support a sustainability position of tourism development in leaping forward to protect our environment, our societies and our economies and thus sustaining life on earth. Taleb Rifai, Former Secretary General UNWTO

in support and alignment with


50% reduction in Greenhouse Gases by 2030 and Net Zero by 2050

TLC is a signatory of the Glasgow Declaration. We agree on the five shared pathways to ensure climate action is aligned across all of tourism sector: Measure, Decarbonise, Regenerate, Collaborate, Finance.

TLC Endorses the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets.

TLC is a signatory of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Pledge
Harmony Golden Ratio
In Harmony with the Natural Environment

TLC is a Climate Positive organisation and has mitigated its GHG emissions at the full European Union Emissions Trading Scheme price, currently over four times greater than the voluntary carbon offset market price.